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Donation Page.

Jai Shree Mahakal

This page is created to make a donation to my blog site. Your donation will help me to upgrade this blog site with its domain name and explore more features. I don't want to earn money in the name of Lord Shiva. All knows about that, but to build this website more interactively and as I am an Computer Engineer and I know how to make Android applications, so I wish to make Android Apps of Lord Shiva. Guys, help me out with money. This is not compulsory, it is just devotions or your love to Lord Shiva and my page.
Here are some method that you can donate to me.

Method 1: To make donation via Netbanking/Debit Card/Credit Card please click the button below.

Method 2: Via PayTM(I think the most simple method). Scan the QR Code or just type my PayTM mobile number.
Method 3: Via Tez(Another alternative solution of PayTM.). Scan the QR Code or just type the Tez Mobile Number.

Method 4: This method is very popular and I suggest this method to be done for most secure donation to bholenathmylordshiva. PayPal, as you know this name before anyone else in this field when you first access the internet and show some websites with P or donate button on it. This is method is very old and very secure, and so I suggest you to make donation on PayPal.


NOTE: These are my QR Code screenshots. If they don't work please mail me or message me on my mobile number. [PLEASE DON'T CALL ME, ITS A HUMBLE REQUEST].

My E-Mail ID:

My Phone Number:
